Entries by Benjamin Thornber

So Who’s Not Reasonable?

So Who’s Not Reasonable? Is your response reasonable? How often does it occur that you think you’re acting entirely reasonably, but bizarrely someone else thinks you’re well out of order and your response isn’t reasonable?   Quite often, I suggest.   As with normal life, work situations are no different.  A manager trying to get his […]

Why Take on Regular Employees? Summary of Seminar 06.02.14

Why Take on Regular Employees? Employment Seminar, 6 February 2014 Employment lawyer Ben Thornber (pictured) asked this rhetorical and thought-provoking question at a seminar for business people in Fife yesterday. Speaking of the rapidly changing face of the workplace, with outsourcing, agency staff, freelancing, part-time work and zero-hour contracts all part of modern life, Ben […]

Heard the one about the office Christmas party?……..

Heard the one about the office Christmas party?…….. Christmas party season is in full throttle, and tonight (Friday 20th December) will probably be the busiest of the lot.  There will be headaches in the morning, and quite a few people slowly piecing together the remnants of their memory into a sudden pang of “Oh, I […]

Grangemouth – What Role Employment Law?

Grangemouth – What Role Employment Law? Nearly a month on, I find myself wondering what lessons can be learnt from the whole Grangemouth saga.  The good news is that at least a significant portion of the jobs will be saved.  Closure would have sent to the grave yet more of our proud industrial heritage.  Beyond […]