Entries by Benjamin Thornber

Who says I am fit to work?

Fit Notes – the rules are changing as of 1st July 2022.   GPs issued around 2.9m fit notes in the three months from October to December 2021 alone (as per the latest figures from NHS Digital) – up around 500,000 from the same period in 2020.  This has been seen as an increasing burden […]

Menopause and the Menstrual Cycle should matter to employers

Why should employers care about the Menopause and Menstrual Cycle?   Women now make up nearly half the UK workforce. We all know – or should know – that health issues such as the menopause and the menstrual cycle can have a big impact on women’s health. And, in turn, this can have a major […]

Furlough ends and Vaccination Debate continues

While Furlough ends, the Vaccination Debate continues   It sometimes seems hard to remember life without Covid: furlough, testing and vaccination are part of our daily lives. End of Furlough – More Unemployment? The end of September sees the end of the furlough scheme.  Since the start of the scheme, a total of 11.6 million […]

Who Avoids Difficult Conversations?

Tips for successful business conversations Who Avoids Difficult Business Conversations? Answer: almost everyone.  We all know people at work who are loud, opinionated or even confrontational.  But that is entirely different to saying something to someone you know personally which neither you nor they would want to hear. The usual reaction is the “ostrich” route: […]

Gender Recognition

Gender Recognition   When do you defend the right to offend? Most people accept that we all have a right to have an opinion with which others disagree. In recent times we have been familiar with issues concerning images or texts which people from one religion or another find offensive. But with `Woke’ matters coming […]